
Showing posts from December, 2018

IBD Awareness Week 2018

Today is the last day of IBD Awareness Week, so I thought it would be a good time to reflect. One year ago at this time in December, I was experiencing miraculous changes in my health. You might remember that I had my jpouch reconnection in March 2017 and the following weeks and months were pure misery. It's truly amazing how time has almost entirely erased the pain, but March-December 2017 was the hardest part of my health journey to date, and that's saying a lot because I have had many other horrible health experiences over the last 10 years. Now that I've had distance from the events, I know why those months were the worst. For one, they were filled with a range of horrible physical symptoms including 20+ bowel movements a day and 10+ bowel movements a night, but I had dealt with similar symptoms prior to surgery, so it wasn't just that. What made it monumentally worse was that I knew something was wrong with my body and I didn't get proper medical support or