
Showing posts from August, 2016

ac·cept verb \ik-ˈsept, ak- also ek-\ to receive willingly

Hey everyone, Today is my last day of summer vacation and it seems like a suitable time to reflect on the summer and share an update. This summer has included a lot of emotional highs and lows for me. I really treasure the fun times with family and friends these last 2 months and my goals for this school year are to smile and laugh. In my last post, I mentioned that I didn't feel health improvements from FMT yet and I was ordering additional implants from England. I planned to do 1 per week until October and then see how I was feeling. Unfortunately, this never happened. One of the biggest challenges for me this summer was that my package of frozen implants was held up (short version: FedEx failed to give my info to the FDA in a timely manner) and when I finally got it, everything had melted. This was a huge loss for my health and finances. The last 6 weeks has been an ongoing customer service nightmare in which I filed claims and fought hard for explanations and compensation