ac·cept verb \ik-ˈsept, ak- also ek-\ to receive willingly

Hey everyone,

Today is my last day of summer vacation and it seems like a suitable time to reflect on the summer and share an update. This summer has included a lot of emotional highs and lows for me. I really treasure the fun times with family and friends these last 2 months and my goals for this school year are to smile and laugh.

In my last post, I mentioned that I didn't feel health improvements from FMT yet and I was ordering additional implants from England. I planned to do 1 per week until October and then see how I was feeling. Unfortunately, this never happened. One of the biggest challenges for me this summer was that my package of frozen implants was held up (short version: FedEx failed to give my info to the FDA in a timely manner) and when I finally got it, everything had melted. This was a huge loss for my health and finances.

The last 6 weeks has been an ongoing customer service nightmare in which I filed claims and fought hard for explanations and compensation. The good news is that on Friday I won my case and I will be getting reimbursed for the $3,000 I spent on the implants! Special thanks to everyone who listened to me complain about this drawn-out saga.

I'm proud of that accomplishment, but I'm still struggling with my colitis symptoms. Some days are better than others, but I'm not feeling well enough to get off the steroids. For the last 7 years, I've been fighting this disease. I'm tired of fighting, so lately my approach is acceptance. I listened to a powerful guided meditation (check out the Insight Timer app!) yesterday by Eckhart Tolle that ended in silence after a beautiful statement that reverberated in my mind, so I'll leave you with that statement:

 The perfect state is the acceptance of now


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