“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
*disclaimer: this post mentions bodily functions and the like, so you've been warned :) Summary (for all you busy folks): I was in the hospital last Thursday to Tuesday with a small intestine blockage. It hurt like hell. I'm better now and going back to work tomorrow. On Thursday morning I woke up for work and I didn't feel right. I was nauseous and a little light-headed, so I called my dad to come over to monitor me. Later I learned that these symptoms were probably early signs of a blockage, but I didn't know at the time. I rested and ate and we even went on a walk- it was a really pleasantly warm fall day. However, after lunch I developed belly pain and I realized I hadn't gone #2 all day (very unusual for me). I tried to stay calm and drink lots of water and stretch. The pain just kept getting worse. I knew from past experience that this might be a blockage and that blockages can take time to resolve, so I tried to muscle through the pain and hope ...