
We made it safely to our destination! All modes of transportation went smoothly and we got a brief glimpse of London before arriving in Hitchin. Our airbnb host is friendly and helpful and says we brought the sunshine with our arrival :). The town is absolutely charming and there are lots of cute restaurants and shops. We're tired from travel and walking, so we're relaxing now before an early bedtime. It's been a long day of travel and tomorrow is my first day at the clinic! This is it. Don't get scared now.

The last 24 hours in pictures...

Packed and ready to go!
Came across this great message while browsing books at Hudson News at Logan Airport

Hitchin town center- adorbs (and yes, there is a Starbucks!)

Time changes makes choosing a meal confusing, but pub grub served us well

Favorite international travel game: What's the weirdest thing you can find at the supermarket? Now I am dying to know what a $10 goose egg tastes like!

Home sweet home (for 2 weeks)


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